Friday, December 16, 2011

It's almost the December break! How fast the first four months of school have passed! These days have been exhilarating, challenging, surprising and amazing all wrapped together in a package, haven't they? Here is a thought-provoking article about the "Phases of First-Year Teaching." What resonates for you? What supports have you had? What supports do you need? Consider using this blog to reach out to other colleagues for support and mentoring. We're all in this together!

This is the article:

The Lesley New Teacher Community wishes all of you the brightest of new years and the most relaxing and restful vacation. Come back rejuvenated!

Looking forward! Circle Saturday, March 24th on the calendar! It's the date for our next Lesley New Teacher Community event. Stay tuned for news about it!

Grandpa Bear's Lullaby

The night is long
But fur is deep.
You will be warm
In winter sleep.
The food is gone
But dreams are sweet
And they will be
Your winter meat.
The cave is dark
But dreams are bright
And they will serve
As winter light.
Sleep, my little cubs, sleep.

Jane Yolen

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