In the wake of today's explosions at the Boston marathon, many parents are again struggling with how to explain tragic events to children. Sadly, we've grappled with this same question all too recently. After December's shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, we shared the following quote from The Mister Rogers Parenting Book which had gone viral and was particularly comforting.
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping."
Given Monday's events in Boston, we wanted to highlight his words as well as the below video -- which includes Mister Rogers's practical advice for parents dealing scary events in the news -- again.
mister rogers helpers quote
For moms and dads looking for more guidance from experts, the Fred Rogers Company website includes a list of useful tips, including:
  • Do your best to keep the television off, or at least limit how much your child sees of any news event.
  • Try to keep yourself calm. Your presence can help your child feel more secure.
  • Give your child extra comfort and physical affection, like hugs or snuggling up together with a favorite book. Physical comfort goes a long way towards providing inner security. That closeness can nourish you, too.